A Place Women Can Get Answers From Men

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For years I have listened to female friends of mine complain about guys and ask for my advice over and over again. As a guy, a lot of their problems are simple for me to diagnose but women just don't understand men like they should. I have been giving advice to women for years and now this is your chance to ask me anything. Don't hold back.

All names and email address will be kept anonymous. Email any and all questions to mstanley669@hotmail.com

I am also on MSN with that same email from time to time. Feel free to talk to me there and ask questions as well. Conversations may be posted but names and emails will be changed.

Monday, May 12, 2008

If You Love Someone, Let Them Go

Dear Mason,

I am a 19 year old female who has been in a serious relationship for almost 2 years now. Give our age difference (he's 30), he's been one of the most wonderful guys i've ever dated. But starting at the beiginning of this year, I started to question things. Wondering if i'm ready for a commitment or if i want to "act my age" and date different people or just have to option of being by myself. I don't know what brought on these inner thoughts of mine, but they've been haunting me since. I've told him how I felt, however, but i'm still not sure of what I want. Given some background information, I haven't been the most faithful partner (that which he knows of too) yet he is wililng to wait for me and work things out. But agian, i'm not sure if that's what i want. Not sure of much at all. I do have a few guy friends that i've been hanging out with since our current break, which also makes me feel slightly guilty but at the same time i'm having fun. And also, i'm not sure if i'm being very fair about the situation seeing as he is not wanting to go out and meet people and i am. It almost feels like i'm using him. But i'm not sure if i want to break up with him completely. Sometimes i think it would be best though. Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated on how to handle this situation.

Thank you


Dear Sophia,

You are young, these thoughts are VERY normal. On one hand you really like this guy and don't want to leave him but on the other hand you are thinking that you are giving up your youth for this relationship. The guy sounds like he understands as well. He knows what it's like to be your age and want to explore and see if there is anything out there because u feel stuck right now. This guy sounds like a keeper and wants to make you comfortable with your decision to stay with him so you don't have regrets later on.

Just because you have your space from him and you're hanging out with guys and 'acting your age' that doesn't mean you have to be unfaithful too. You shouldn't settle for being with someone you aren't head over heels for. You need to imagine 2 different realities here. Imagine your life if you ended it with him today and then imagine if you stuck with him. Which one do you like best? Which one can you see yourself doing? It sounds like you are scared to make a commitment right now because of your age but I think that if you did end it and go explore and 'act your age' then you would go right back to being with him after you saw the way guys your age can act in a relationship.

Take the break as a chance to have fun and hang out with boys, you can do that and still be faithful and not feel guilty about it. It's your chance to act your age and you can still be with your guy and live happily ever after. Your guy sounds like a keeper. He is living by the old saying, "If you love someone, let them go and if they come back to you then they are yours."


Cara said...

Hello Mason, and thanks for your email :-)

Just wanted to ask re this post, is that the full letter you got? Cus if not, then I must be missing something.

The guy sounds like someone with low self esteem.

And girl sounds like she has little or no respect for him.

Bottom line: they are not suited for each other. Not now, maybe never.

Then again, I am in a pessimistic mood.



Mason Stanley said...

That was the entire letter so I had to work with what I got...

A guy with low self esteem and insecurities wouldn't be comfortable with someone he cares about "exploring her options", he would wanna keep her on a tight leash.

It didn't sound like the girl had no respect, it sounded like she was a confused young girl. A 19 year old girl is going to question what she wants constantly. Sounds like she also has 'The Grass Is Greener syndrome.

Once the girl can identify what she wants then I can see this couple being a happy one.

The glass is always half full Cara ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Cara on this one 100%

Any guy with any self-respect wouldn't subject himself to this relationship. But then again, any guy with some brains or experience would know he can't expect a 19-year-old to be ready for commitment. Thats ignorance and selfishness for sure.

The girl should definitely be out dating other people. She has so much to learn. If she doesn't get a chance to learn on her own, she'll never be able to have the wisdom and experience necessary for an adult relationship!

Anonymous said...

He is not in love in her, but in potential future, mature person she might become one day. In order to become mature, she must make her own decisions. He thinks he is too god for her and hopes that she will see that one day when she grows up. I bet that he is secretly hoping that she will find some younger guy who will hurt her badly and after that she will come back to him in tears and settle down.
But he is taking very big risk, because she can find happines with some other guy. I can just hope for his sake that she is worth the effort.

Mason Stanley said...

Great insight oldboy

Anonymous said...

I was not in a relationship but got very close to this guy over the summer and when school started again. We use to hang out with each other almost every night during the summer and we got intamate. I have always liked this guy ever since I met him and he never really liked me back. When we did this stuff and hung out at night he thought that I didn't like him anymore. Well now that we got so close I have so many feelings for him that I never new I had. I leted him no how I felt and he kinda just blew it off like whatever. I've tried to stop talking to him and have tried to stay out of his life. So that my feelings will go away for him. It just dosen't seem to work. I always find myself texting him or asking if he wants to hang out.

Is there anyway I could get him off my mind and to stop talking to him?